Read me a Bedtime Story

tuck me in tight

Read me a bedtime story, tuck me in tight… Sing me a lullaby, an Angel’s kiss goodnight ~ K. D’Angelo

What is your favourite time of day? Mine is the kids’ bedtime. And not because I finally get some peace and quiet. There’s something so intimate and precious about the moments before children sleep. Reading books under soft lamplight, the children all snuggled up in their PJs and then, once books have been read and lights are switched off, singing lullabies.

I sing to my kids every night. Part of my repertoire includes two songs that my mother sang to me: ‘Hush Little Baby ’ and ‘All Through the Night. There’s something powerful about singing a song from my own childhood. It’s a soft-focus kind of memory, where the feelings are strongly tied in to the tune and lyrics. When my mum sang to me it felt like I was the only person in the world for her. I felt protected, loved, and wrapped in her soft voice. It was the best way to fall asleep. And that’s how I want my kids to feel when I sing to them.

Lullabies are something parents do all around the world. The lyrics range from soothing words that would calm anyone to sleep to telling a little story with wings.

We sing for different reasons, some sing to connect with their culture and traditions, some simply to remember their own childhood, and others to create something new with their family.

The lyrics and reasons may vary but ultimately, we all want the same thing, to get a baby or child to sleep.

Sing me a Lullaby
An Angel’s Kiss Goodnight




Sometimes Angels Sing to you in the Wind
All you have to do is Listen 



Nowhere is more Magic Known

then when a loving heart is shown

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